Copycat Collective

Your marketing communication Special Forces Squad.

Publication design & management

By Copycat | 19 November 2023 | 0 Comment

Plug into our expertise and nous to turn your treasured thought-baby into a polished and professional finished work. Whether it’s for an important presentation, campaign literature, or a suite of corporate reports, we can help you through all stages of the production process.

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Marketing and communication strategy

By Copycat | 11 December 2015 | 0 Comment

Hone your message and get it ‘out there’ with a little help from your friends at Copycat Collective. With more than 20 years’ experience in marketing strategy, corporate communication, and stakeholder and community engagement, we can help you set a clear course for getting your voice heard, whatever your budget.

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Writing and

By Copycat | | 0 Comment

From half a page to half a ream, print or digital, our scribes are known for their skill in crafting clear, compelling prose. We’ve plied our trade on brochures, banners, and guides; annual reports, grant applications, and proposals, and we’re experts at translating complex research and technical material for broader audiences.

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By Copycat | | 0 Comment

In an age of sound bites and infographics, good strategic design is what will bring your company identity and brand to vivid life. As well as keeping their highly creative eyes open, our design squad keeps their ears open to what you need, and what you want.

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Publication design and management

By Copycat | 10 June 2014 | 0 Comment

Plug into our expertise and nous to turn your treasured thought-baby into a polished and professional finished work. Whether it’s for an important presentation, campaign literature, or a suite of corporate reports, we can help you through all stages of the production process.

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